are sagittarius smarter than aquarius

The relationship between a Sagittarius male and Aquarius female will be strong, exciting, and adventurous. Get our newsletter by tapping the button below. Despite both signs lacking emotional tenderness, they are still good at communicating and are still trusting of one another. No matter if its a Sagittarius man and woman, man and man, or woman and woman, a Sagittarius-Sagittarius relationship will be full of passion, excitement, and adventure. You can rest assured that he wont come back without bagging the deal. They are life-long students in a variety of subjects. One of the biggest challenges between an Aquarius and Sagittarius couple is reaching perfect sexual intimacy and closeness. If you think you're one of these studious people but don't aren'ton this list,remember that intelligence comes in lots of different flavors. These two will be both romantic partners and best friends. If youre a Sagittarius, youll find that you get along with an air sign, like Gemini or Libra. Both have different approaches to life and this can result in butting heads sometimes., Additionally, both signs can get so caught up in their own projects and passions that they forget to invest time and energy into nurturing the relationship. They are bosom buddies, like two peas in a pod, Garbis says. 13 Ways To Know If A Gemini Man Is In Love With You, 13 Unique Traits That Make A Scorpio Woman Attractive. They are not the ones to give up easily. If something upsets them, theyll make it known at the moment and then move on. They have a different kind of intelligence which is useful in many situations. Yes, Capricorns tend to be very intelligent and have the ability to put their brain to good use! And the reason will surprise you. People belonging to this sign are natural intellectuals. 3. March 2023. Cancer: Emotionally intelligent (June 22July 22), 4. 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The Butterfly Effect And The Environment: How Tiny Actions Can February 2019 Is Almost Here And Gives You The Strength Human Consciousness Is Far More Than 3,000 Years Old. Sagittarius and Aquarius are great at coming up with new ideas, but Aquarius is a lot better on following through than Sagittarius. Sagittarius and Aquarius are both knowledgeable and aware of one another's qualities. But the intelligence of Aquarius may not always be very practical, they are more esoteric. Of course, going off of what was mentioned before, the word intelligence means different things to different people. Sagittarius' knowledge will be combined with Aquarius' ideas. . But that's not to say that the water sign wouldn't give up their free time to help a friend in need. They are a breath of fresh air! They just jump to having a good time.. People belonging to this sign are natural intellectuals. Aquarius will be able to take as much alone time as they need without feeling guilty. Kreena tells us, Aquarius is very detached and sure of their decisions. They will willingly take risks if it means that they will get to be leaders. Sagittarius wants to be able to explore the world. They not only read and memorize the books, but use them as a jumping-off point for their own ideas. Sagittarius Zodiac Sign. Well, its more intellectual and adventurous than intimate and lovey-dovey. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Answer (1 of 8): I like this question because it has Sagittarian humor in it! Instead, theyre more likely to laugh off an issue or avoid talking about it altogether. In a way, Taureans work smarter, not harder, so they're not lazy, just very calculated. Aquarius people are far more intellectually smart than they are emotionally intelligent. They are very active zodiac signs, but this can sometimes show up as restlessness. And even if theyre not book-smart with facts and knowledge rolling off their tongue, there are different kinds of intelligence that different types of zodiac signs exhibit. They are truly one of the smartest zodiac signs in order of critical and curious minds. And they're constantly thinking and creating. Theyre original, progressive, and great problem solvers. As long as the communication remains strong, this is an unbreakable bond. While they generally don't like to brag, there's very little that Virgo can't figure out. They want things to be fair to all, so they'll push their emotions aside to think of the most logical way to be considerate to everyone. All you have to do is listen to Gemini talk and you'll know their genius. Neat, isnt it? Cancer and Pisces top the charts when we look at emotional intelligence. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This is a period of recharge, of getting in touch with your innermost feelings, of connecting with your roots, and of spending more . Sagittarius is a very honest and upfront sign. Sagittarius and Aquarius tend to get along very well because they both have a great sense of humor. Listen to what the deepest part of your mind is trying to say. 10 Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend About His Ex. Get clear on your "why" this month . Heres how to improve your own emotional intelligence (no zodiac sign required!). Despite their reputations for being on the quirky side, Sagittarius is very philosophical, while Aquarius is very intellectual. Until March 20th: The Sun continues to put a spotlight on your solar fourth house. 1. These are just the kind of people you need to make things happen at work. But hey, smart people can be a little arrogant, what say? Aquarians like to dig deep on a subject they are interested in and they are almost always right. Shes practical and intelligent, and not so great with emotions. Sagittarius and Aquarius's sex life is a combination of liberation and experimentation. Theyre both pretty adventurous in bed and will enjoy trying new things together. ", Cancer stereotypes: Overly delicate and weak. Cancers are ruled by the luminescent moon, which symbolizes emotions. Well, precisely because of their practical intelligence. While Capricorns may seem like these conventional signs that are incapable of thinking outside of the box, that couldn't be further from the truth. Scorpio: Super smart (October 24November 21), 3. When you really decode and try to understand their zodiac, you know just what to expect from them. Different people show their intelligence in different circumstances, and in very different ways. But even these two are actually intelligent in different ways. They have great communication skills and connect easily with others. Since Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter the planet of expansion they're often itching for the next best thing. Their grit, ability to never give up and seek solutions through hard work is the sign of their intelligence. However, a Cancer's ability to process emotions should never be seen as a weakness. They avoid being overly impulsive by having a clear idea of their goals, and while willing to consider alternative strategies, they will look at the big picture and consider all consequences. A love match between a Sagittarius and Aquarius would be pretty interesting but compatible? An Aquarius man is social but independent. With impersonal and detached Aquarius and romantic and needy Pisces, it will be very difficult for them to find common ground and understand each others drastically different personalities. However, there an intense emotional intimacy, and they will feel comfortable and secure enough with each other in the bedroom. The only time when they can be a problem to be around is when they have to make a decision as they often find themselves in a conundrum. The Aquarius man sees the Sagittarius woman as a strong, independent woman. In fact, they can be called the smartest zodiac from all the signs there are out there. Sagittarius compatibility with a Sagittarius: No matter if its a Sagittarius man and woman, man and man, or woman and woman, a Sagittarius-Sagittarius relationship will be full of passion, excitement, and adventure. If there's no solution to a problem or the answer is difficult to find, Virgo will simply set out to create their own answer. Afterwards, they're joyful again.". Aquarius can help provide stability for the free-wheeling Sagittarius, while the archer helps Aquarius move more easily into the future, Monahan says. Aquarius question their feelings, whereas Sagittarius just roll with them and accept them. As we said before, its always not about IQ but emotional intelligence, the ability to think logically, make rational decisions and work smartly. In the bedroom, Virgo and Sagittarius might feel like sex is unbearable, and theyll feel almost trapped. You dont have to be a nerd to be a genius, you just have to have high intelligence and a creative brain. ). Yes, maybe! Sagittarius and Aquarius make excellent friends. . While I personally attest to having the emotional capacity of a robot, it's probably unlikely that that all Aquarians are incapable of being vulnerable. When it comes to the most clever zodiac sign which is Virgo, this is what Kreena had to tell us,Virgos are great planners and like for things to be a certain way. Your March Horoscope for Sagittarius. At first glance, a Taurus may give off that they're permanently sluggish, but their lethargy actually stems from them understanding their value. Pisces ranks high among the most intelligent zodiac signs because they imbibe the traits of all other signs, being the last one in the circle. They just might have to deal with some uncomfortable sexual energy between them. They will be selfish at times, but they understand that in each other and it wont cause. ", Leo stereotypes: Self-serving and attention seeking. 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are sagittarius smarter than aquarius