May 19, 2019 - Rev. R. Smit(missionary to the Philippines)declinedthe call fromHosanna PRC(Edmonton). October 9 - Pastor-elect Erik Guichelaar sustained his examination at the meeting of Classis West held in Loveland PRC (CO). August 16, 2011- Cornerstone Prot. February 4, 2007-- Rev. PRCA Business Journal - July 23, 2021 Church called Rev. Jai Mahtani (missionary-Pittsburgh, PA) announced his acceptance of the call to the congregation of Bethel Prot. October 20, 2013- Doon (IA) PRC's Council presents a new trio to the congregation from which to call a pastor: Revs.K.Koole (Grandville PRC), W.Langerak (SE PRC, Grand Rapids), and J.Marcus (1st PRC, Edmonton). Ref. January 12, 2014 - The Council of Doon (Iowa) PRC has formed a new trio from which to call a pastor: Rev. June 26, 2022 - Hosanna PRC's(Edmonton) Consistory anounces a new trio of Revs. R. Hanko (Lynden), Candidates Nathan Decker, and Brian Huizinga. Church and Hope Prot. November 4, 2010 -Edgerton's trio: Rev. July 1, 2010 -Edgerton made the following trio: Candidate Daniel Holstege, Rev. February 23, 2020 - Cornerstone PRC (Dyer, IN) has a new trio of Rev. N. Decker received the call from Doon PRC. Church.November 23, 2003--Rev. J.Langerak receives the call to Covenant of Grace PRC. Church.March 28, 2004--Rev. Richard Smitofficially becomes a citizen of the United States of America. Carl Haak officiated at the funeral.December 23, 2001-- Rev. M. VanderWal is installed in First PRC, Edmonton AB as the fifth pastor in her history. June 28, 2015 -The Council of Doon PRC announces a trio for missionary to the Philippines:Revs. February 12, 2017 - Rev. W. Bruinsma (Kalamazoo, MI) declined the call from the Edmonton, AB, Protestant Reformed Church.July 3, 2005-Rev. May 15, 2022 - Zion PRC's Council forms a trio of Revs. Church called Rev. That enables them to compete at the same rodeo at the same time and thus share expenses. July 19, 2009 -Trio for Trinity Prot. G. Eriks, Rev. M. Vander Wal (Redlands, CA). May 17, 2020 - Unity PRC announces a trio of Revs. October 20, 2017 - Pastor-elect Joe Holstege is ordained into the ministry of the Word and sacraments in the PRC and installed as Zion PRC's first pastor (took place in Faith PRC). October 7, 2007 -Rev. March 28, 2021 - Hudsonville PRC voted to extend a call to Rev. C.Haak (Georgetown), and Rev. K. Koole (Grandville MI PRC), Rev. August 27, 2017 - The Council of Immanuel PRC (Lacombe, AB) formed a new trio of Candidates Brian Feenstra, Jonathan Langerak, and Stephan Regnerus. July 11, 2019 - Rev. Church, Holland, MI called Rev. November 22, 2009- Rev Carl Haak announced his decline of the call from Byron Center Protestant Reformed Church. November 22, 2016 - The congregation of Doon PRC voted to extend a call to Rev. July 3, 2011- Hope (Walker) received a decline from Rev. Wm. Doug Kuiper (Randolph), and Rev. November 28, 2021 - Rev. Church of Jenison, MI.June 20, 2004 --Rev. Matt Kortus, Rev. Church made a trio: Rev. Ref. R. Barnhillisinstalled as the third pastor in the history ofHeritage PRC (Sioux Falls, SD). November 27, 2022 - Rev. November 24, 2009- Rev. They will extend a call on July 10, D.V. March 22, 2020 - The Consistory of First PRC, Edmonton has formed a new trio from which to call a new pastor: Rev J. Engelsma (Doon PRC), Rev. Ref. Their new trio is: Rev. Church.April 3, 2005-Rev. Member Records: (719) 528-4747 Main Number: (719) 593-8840 : ID: PWD: Forgot Password? S. Key (Hull, IA) to be their pastor. June 28, 2015 -Rev.B. G. Eriks (Hudsonville PRC), C. Haak (Georgetown PRC, Hudsonville, MI), and B. Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA). Church. February 23, 2021 - Rev. C. Spronk. Sept.6, 2020 - Kalamazoo PRC extends a call to Rev. K.Koole (Grandville PRC) and Rev.J.Marcus (1st PRC, Edmonton). Carl Haak (Georgetown, Hudsonville, MI). February 15, 2015 -The congregation ofDoon PRC, voted to issue a call toRev. John Marcus (Edmonton) to serve as their pastor. Church in Hudsonville has called Rev. November 7, 2021 - Rev. A. Brummel (Heritage PRC, Sioux Falls, SD), C. Griess (Calvary PRC, Hull, IA), and B. Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA). Garry Eriks (Loveland, CO) received the call from Bethel Prot. Ref. February 19, 2023 - Rev. April 28, 2013 - Rev.C.Spronk annnounced that he had declined the call from Doon IA PRC. October 28, 2009- Trio for Bethel (Roselle, IL): Rev. PRCA Membership Self-Service December 18, 2022 - First PRC (Grand Rapids, MI) extends a call to Rev. J. Laning (Hope, Walker). Ref. J. Laning (Hull PRC), and Rev. R. Barnhill (Peace PRC, Dyer, IN), S. Regnerus (Lynden WA PRC), and N. Langerak (Crete, IL PRC). George Lanting, emeritus pastor in the Protestant Reformed Churches, passed away in South Holland, IL. 2020 prca membership. J. Maatman. Wayne Bekkering is installed as missionary to Ghana in a special service at the Hull, Iowa Protestant Reformed Church.October 4, 2001 --Trinity Protestant Reformed Church made a trio of: Revs. D. Holstege, and Rev. They plan to call, D.V., on Nov. 2. July 12, 2020 - Rev. C.Haak (Georgetown PRC), S.Key (Loveland PRC), and W. Langerak (SE PRC, Grand Rapids, MI). S. Key (Loveland PRC, CO), and Rev. Daniel Kleyn (Edgerton, MN) received the call to serve as home missionary to labor at Pittsburgh, PA and the eastern United States.August 7, 2005- Rev. Carl Haak (Georgetown) declined the calls he received from Hope Prot. J. Langerak(Heritage PRC)acceptedthe call toCovenant of Grace PRC(Spokane, WA). Dec.13, 2015 -It was annnounced in Doon PRC (IA) that Rev. Church of Lacombe, AB, made the trio of Rev. Doug Kuiper (Randolph, WI). K. Koole, (Grandville), and Rev. E. Guichelaar (Randolph PRC), Rev. J. Smidstra,(Holland). September 5, 2021 - Rev. November 5, 2009- Trinity Protestant Reformed Church made the following trio: Rev. Reformed Church made the following trio: Rev. Church. declined the call from the Edmonton, AB, Canada congregation. February 14, 2010- Rev. He was ordained in 1956 and served these PRC's until 1999, when he became emeritus: Doon, IA - 1956; Randolph, WI - 1962; First, Grand Rapids, MI - 1965; Hudsonville, MI - 1977; Loveland, CO - 1994-99. January 15, 2017 - The Council of First PRC Holland, MI has announced a new trio from which to call a pastor: Revs. A. Brummel is installed as the new pastor of Calvary PRC in Hull, IA. W. Langerak is installed as the third pastor in Trinity PRC's history. Ref. Charles Terpstra (Holland, MI) declined the call to Southeast Protestant Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, MI.March 2, 2003- Rev. Welcome into the denomination! R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace, Spokane, WA) and Rev. December 29, 2013 - Rev.W.Bruinsma declined the call from Doon (IA) PRC. Church, Walker, MI and to Wingham Prot. J. Marcus (Edmonton), and Rev. November 27, 2016 - Rev. D. Holstege preaches his farewell sermon at First PRC, Holland, MI (evening service). Ref. June 17, 2002 --Mr. Rodney Kleyn and Mr. David Overway graduated from the Seminary (at Southwest P.R. September 15, 2006 --After successfully sustaining his classical exam (Sept. 13, 2006, Andrew Lanning was ordained in the ministry and installed as pastor of the Faith Protestant Reformed Church, Jenison, Michigan. R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace PRC). Ref. Church in Wyckoff, NJ.March 3, 2002-- Rev. Church) and were declared eligible for a call on or after July 13, 2002.June 16, 2002 --Rev. Ref. Ref. Langerak (Southeast, Grand Rapids) to serve as their pastor. February 19, 2017 - The Council of Zion PRC formed a trio of Rev. September 26, 2004 --Rev. Church (St John, IN) made the following trio: Candidate J. Mahtani, Rev. Bill Bruinsma (Kalamazoo, MI) received the call to serve the Southeast Protestant Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, MI.December 15, 2002--Rev. J. Mahtani (Cornerstone PRC, Dyer, IN) announced his decline of the call from Doon PRC to serve as third missionary to the Philippines. November 13, 2022 -The Council of Randolph (WI) PRCannounced a new trio: Rev. Garry Eriks (Loveland, CO) announced his acceptance of the call from Hudsonville (MI), Protestant Reformed Church.June 12, 2005-Rev. February 10, 2019 - Rev. Rodney Kleyn (Trinity, Hudsonville, MI) declined the call to Providence Prot. G. Eriks (Hudsonville), Rev. Ref. Reformed Church, Roselle, IL, called Rev. A. Brummel, E. Guichelaar, and S. Regnerus. London. April 18, 2021 - The Council of Byron Center PRC announced a new trio: Rev. D. Holstege receives the call to Wingham PRC. James Slopsema (First, Grand Rapids, MI) declined the call to Covenant Prot. Nomination letters of 500 words or less can be mailed to the PRCA, 101 ProRodeo Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80919 or e-mail Sarah Gibson at between now and September 1. W. Langerak (Southeast PRC, Grand Rapids, MI). Church. September 1, 2019 - Cand. Sept.6, 2020 - Rev. C. Spronk (Faith PRC). Ronald Cammenga (Faith, Jenison, MI), Rev. James Slopsema (First, Grand Rapids) received the call from the Holland (MI) Protestant Reformed Church.June 12, 2005-Rev. prca member records. Wm. Angus Stewart from Ballymena, Northern Ireland. J. Holstege(Zion PRC, Jenison MI). Member Records - 434, 8%. var addy_text76c3d9bedfd1c988e21b9ef842af1b2a = 'Stated Clerk';document.getElementById('cloak76c3d9bedfd1c988e21b9ef842af1b2a').innerHTML += ''+addy_text76c3d9bedfd1c988e21b9ef842af1b2a+'<\/a>'; 2014 Protestant Reformed Churches in America. W. Bruinsma (Kalamazoo, MI) declined the call to Wyckoff NJ Covenant Prot. December 22, 2010 -Trio for Wingham: Rev. March 31, 2009 -Organization of the Covenant of Grace Protestant Reformed Church at Spokane, WA. W. Bruinsma (Kalamazoo, MI) declined the calls from the Loveland (CO) Protestant Reformed Church and to the Covenant (Wyckoff, NJ) Protestant Reformed Church.. August 28, 2005 -Rev. Nathan Decker (Trinity PRC, Hudsonville, MI) announced his decline of the call from Doon PRC to serve as third missionary to the Philippines. Church, Lacombe, AB, called Rev. R.Barnhill declined the call to Covenant of Grace PRC (Spokane, WA). Ref. B. Huizinga, currently pastor of Hope PRC in Redlands, CA. September 23, 2018 - Rev. Aud Spriensma was installed in Doon, IA as missionary to serve in the Philippine Islands.January 13, 2002-- Rev. Barry Gritters has declined the call from Faith, Jenison, MI Protestant Reformed Church, January 27, 2003 --Rev. Charles Terpstra (Holland, MI) declined the call to Faith Prot. C. Spronk declined the call from Grandville PRC to serve as minister-on-loan to Covenant ERC in Singapore. The new trio is made up ofRev.B.Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA), J.Mahtani (Cornerstone PRC, Dyer, IN), and R.Van Overloop (Grace PRC, Standale, MI). January 7, 2009 -Byron Center, MI consistory made the following trio: Rev. February 21, 2008 --Rev. Ref. January 30, 2011 -Hope Prot. J. Slopsema leading the service. Rodney Kleyn (Trinity, Hudsonville, MI) announced his decline of the call to Calvary, Hull, IA congregation. Steven Key (Hull, Iowa) announced his decline of the call to Hudsonville (MI) Protestant Reformed Church.September 14, 2004 --Rev. Church, Redlands, CA called Rev. September 26, 2010 -Rev. J. Laning. November 9, 2014 - Rev. April 26, 2015 - At its evening congregational meeting Peace PRC (Lansing, IL) voted to call Rev.N.Decker to "come over and help" them as their next pastor. Church of Wyckoff, NJ.June 11, 2002-- The Synod of the Protestant Reformed Churches begins its meetings at the Southwest Protestant Reformed Church of Grandville, MI.June 9, 2002-- Rev. Steven Houck (Lansing, IL) received the call from Edmonton, AB, Protestant Reformed Church.March 25, 2005 -Rev. G. Eriks. The call will be made on Oct. 17, D.V. December 13, 2009- Rev. R. Kleyn. October 4, 2009- Bethel Protestant Reformed Church called Rev. E. Guichelaar declined the call from Immanuel PRC (Lacombe, AB). Wilbur Bruinsma (Kalamazoo, MI) received the call from First Prot. November 16, 2014 - The congregation ofDoon PRCvoted to extend a call to Rev.Jon Mahtani (Cornerstone PRC, Dyer IN) to serve as missionary to the Philippines alongside Rev.D.Kleyn. A. denHartog to serve as minister on loan for the ERC of Singapore.July 15, 2001-- Rev. November 26, 2017 - Rev. Steven Key (Hull, Iowa) declined the call to Faith Protestant Reformed Church, Jenison, Michigan, November 30, 2003--Rev. March 31, 2013 - Rev.R.Kleyn (Covenant of Grace PRC, Spokane WA) declined the call from Faith PRC, Jenison MI. J. Marcus, D. Noorman (SW PRC), and J. Smidstra (First PRC-Holland). May 28, 2017 - Rev. The congregation plans to vote from this trio next Sunday morning, November 16. R. Van Overloop (Grace PRC) declined the call to Unity PRC (Byron Center, MI). March 20, 2014 - At her congregational meeting on Thursday, March 20, 2014, Doon (IA) PRC voted to extend a call to Rev. G. Eriks (Hudsonville MI), C. Haak (Georgetown MI), and R. Kleyn (Spokane WA). Ref. November 18, 2018 - Grandville PRC's Council announces a trio for minister-on-loan to Covenent ERC, Singapore: Rev. Rodney Kleyn (Trinity, Hudsonville, MI) received the call to Covenant PRC in Wyckoff, NJ.April 16, 2006 -Rev. Brian Huizinga (Hope, Redlands, CA) received the call from the congregation of Trinity PRC (Hudsonville, MI). February 10, 2013-Rev.D.Overway(Doon, IA) announced that he hadaccepted the call from Hope PRC, Walker, MI. Michael De Vries (Edmonton, AB, Canada) received the call to Wingham Prot. J. Laning (Hope, Walker, MI). Ronald Cammenga (Southwest Prot. Ref. March 9, 2022 - Peace PRC extends a call to Rev. Ronald Cammenga (Southwest, Grand Rapids, MI) was appointed as alternate should Rev. M. McGeown (Limerick Reformed Fellowship). November 8, 2007 --Rev. B. Huizinga (Hope, Redlands, CA), Rev. W. Langerak and Rev. S. Key (Hull, IA), Rev. A congregational meeting to call a pastor from this trio was set for October 27 after the morning service. June 21, 2009 -Calvary Prot. K. Koole (Grandville Prot. Starting from 1,500+VAT you and your agency can join the PRCA and take advantage of . March 13, 2011 -Rev. W. Bruinsma (Pittsburgh), and Rev. R.Kleyn declined the call from Kalamazoo PRC. Church, Redlands, CA called Prof. David Engelsma to serve them as pastor. W. Bruinsma (Kalamazoo, MI) received the call to Hudsonville (MI) Protestant Reformed Church.November 9, 2004 --Rev. M.De Boer (Edgerton, MN), Rev. August 25, 2013 -Candidate Erik Guichelaar announces his acceptance of the call from Randolph, WI PRC, along with his decline of the call from Doon (IA) PRC. PROFESSIONAL RODEO COWBOYS ASSOCIATION 101 Pro Rodeo Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80919 PRCA HEADQUARTERS - 719.593.8840 PRCA Fax - 719.548.4876 Accounts Receivable/Member Records - 719.528.4747 Doctor's release fax - 719.548.4868 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER - 719.528.4774 George Taylor, Chief Executive Officer Shelly . Church, Hudsonville, MIJune 2, 2002-- Rev. Wilbur Bruinsma ( Pittsburgh, PA mission) was called by the Byron Center Protestant Reformed Church, May 31, 2009 -Rev. D. Kleyn. March 20, 2022 - Grace PRC's Council announces a new trio of Prof. B. Gritters, and Revs.
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