which of the following best describes an argument

1: follow connections between a claim that was made and the evidence used to support it 1.attempts at explanation based chiefly on unverifiable claims and emotional appeals 904 views, 11 likes, 1 loves, 0 comments, 10 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Jason ADOV: Evil Lives Here 2023 S20E6 No, its valid but not sound d. SPM, "College students are reckless drivers". the significance of the Louisiana c. To have 4.All these answers are correct. a difference in opinion a personal interpretation of an issue bickering over an issue the use of reason and evidence to support a conclusion Which of the following best describes the slippery slope fallacy? BEEKIND!! True True In his novel 1984, George Orwell put forth which of the following views? What type of argument is this? In the fallacy known as _____, the conclusion is simply a rewording of a premise. b. both the conclusion and the premises are complicated Indicate whether the statements below are TRUE or FALSE according to the passage. Which best describes a role of the executive branch of the federal government? 1.Science and religion cannot conflict since they both describe the same reality. Which of the following can be a barrier to effective communication? The entry in the list of references begins like this: National Science Board. b. I have bronchitis, If Kai prepares well for the test, he will get a good grade. A logical appeal based on facts and reason (even though an argument CAN be based on emotions and interests, or something you truly believe, and can be biased), Which of the following correctly describes an argument? Follow connections between a claim that was made and the evidence used to support it True 4.They cannot help us to rank our moral concerns. "No animals are unicorns" 2.Both premises and conclusions in an argument are propositions. Which phrase best describes a logical fallacy? b. The good and the bad are always self-evident. All of these are strategies that fall under the heading of reason. 1.an argument that claims Smith is the best candidate for office on the grounds that he has a ninety-two percent approval rating in the latest poll View the full answer Transcribed image text: An argument is invalid, but the conclusion is true. Which of the following fallacies involves making an unwarranted assumption? 1.dualism ", A deductive argument is valid if the form of the argument is such that ____________________ 4. Is there enough evidence for the claim? EDUC 10: Critical Thinking and the Educated P, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka. WE GOT THIS , @ = = XxMeowxX is right c It is thought out and convincing. a. Why not? b. c. Deny the antecedent 3.Polls are a type of generalization. a. Which fallacy is avoided by careful attention to grammar? b. argument from elimination If a teacher gave you the choice between reading a narrative or viewing a narrative, which would you choose? Socrates is a man. Therefore, he is not a dentist." 1.Consult a religious text. Which of the following is a strategy that falls under the heading of reason? Better throw out the honey!" Which of the following words or phrases tend to indicate that an argument is inductive? A deductive argument with 2 premises, at least 1 of which is a hypothetical claim "We need to turn more towards clean energy. The purpose of argumentation is to discover the truth. 2.an argument that you should vote for Smith on the grounds that a movie star has endorsed him d. Some bears are grizzlies, The center of the Venn diagram, which represents the overlap of all 3 terms, is usually labeled ___________________ 1.Individuals tend to reason poorly regardless of context. a well-written argument a persuasive argument an argument that provides just some reason for believing its conclusion an argument that guarantees the truth of its conclusion if its premises are all true. Which of the following is true of making negative claims about a person's character? ~ Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads ~ Quaker ~ 1.bickering over an issue 4.an event that brings about a change or effect, an argument that concludes one thing is the cause of other things. The correct option is (B). True or False? Fortunately, the legal protection worked. 4.All of these answers are correct. An argumentative essay is one that requires an argument or to make a stand on some topic.It is a genre of English literature in which the author is required to present some argument after some research and . Bruh Champ is 100% correct. b. To establish your own credibility with readers, which of the following methods should you use to incorporate other viewpoints? Throughout the selection, Chaucer uses physical details-eyes, hair, clothing-to help develop his characters. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service placed them on the endangered species list in 1967. Write the letter of your answer in the space provided. If we have breakfast, then er don't have to stop at Dunkin' Donuts. 4.a personal interpretation of an issue, the use of reason and evidence to support a conclusion, Which of the following is a conclusion indicator? These are the answers for 6th grade "Reviewing Argument Quick check" 1: follow connections between a claim that was made and the evidence used to support it 2: identify the author's claim 3. c. Modus ponens *Predicate (P) term <-------->, *The term that appears 1st in the conclusion d. An argument by analogy, Which of the following best describes a hypothetical syllogism? Which of the following is the preceding argument? 2.The premises of a deductive argument are always true. b. False, Which of the following best describes cultural relativism? Which of the following best describes a valid deductive argument? For conexus! b. An argument that is psychologically appealing but fails to provide adequate logical support for its conclusion Which of the following best describes an argument that commits the informal fallacy of equivocation? 3.All these answers are correct. The information collected in the Freshman Survey is used to make which of the following types of argument? a. b. Modus ponens What do you mean by the argument? If she passes the course, she'll have completed her requirements for graduation. An argument is valid, and its premises are true. a. 2.All these answers describe arguments that commit the fallacy of popular appeal. All fruit are apples Have a happy day and remember when you have to choose being kind or right. c. Two overlapping circles with the area where they overlap shaded Its conclusion necessarily follows from the premises, Is the following argument sound? An empty circle 1.Assertive communicators attempt to get what they want by controlling others. Argument based on mathematics Stating the issue to be addressed She did so without knowing anything about Jason's drinking habits. b. c. A chain argument answer choices Yes No Question 16 60 seconds Q. Drawing a general conclusion from a sample that is too small. The student is summarizing information that begins on page 29 and continues on page 30 in a 2000 article by Paul Kurtz. 1.It is simple. What type of reasoning did Veronica use? b. 3.Generalizations can be true or false. An argument that relies on a change of meaning due to focusing on one word or phrase inappropriately. b. Modus tollens Homophobia is an individual's irrational fear or hate of homosexual people. Which of the following is a possible negative consequence of stereotyping? Argument by elimination The use of reason and evidence to support a conclusion Which of the following statements is true of issues? Therefore, a snake is warm blooded." 4. the repetition of sounds at the beginning of words, 1- follow connections between a claim that was made and the evidence used to support it The above statement demonstrates the most apt argument proposed by Gante . False, Moral values are values that benefit others as well as yourself. 2.Arthur Lupia b. Universal affirmative c. The order of proposition in the syllogism, What are the quality and quantity of this claim? 2.When science and religion conflict, we should side with science. a. Slippery slope b. c. All times it rains are times it pours, When converting arguments to a standard form, if there are 2 terms that are synonyms, use ______________ According to Wiseman and O'Keeffe (2001), "The Schwartz et al. Major drawing a general conclusion from a sample that is too small, Which of the following best describes an informal fallacy? 1- follow connections between a claim that was made and the evidence used to support it 2.There are objects that must be studied. 3- Is there enough evidence for the claim? 2.a moral sentiment 2. At the end of their shift, they noticed that the kitchen was still pretty busy, so they continued to help through the next shift. Is this a valid argument? Otherwise, criminals wouldn't receive just punishment for abhorrent crimes." When science and religion conflict, we should side with science. c. Universal or particular a. Quote of the day: Theres a whole world out there, right outside your window. Which of the following best defines "emotional intelligence"? d. Two completely shaded, overlapping circles, c. Two overlapping circles with an X in the area where they overlap, Does a Venn diagram for a particular claim demonstrates what in a class or what does not exist in a class? Unfortunately, he got D on the test. The statement that most adequately narrates an argument proposed by de Gante in the letter: - The Spanish should require less tribute after the conquest to avoid Native American depopulation. Denying the antecedent Both the conclusion and the premises are complicated "We must enforce the death penalty. a. Any argument with false premises is fallacious. d. To do, "Anything that is an apple is a fruit". a. Chain argument a. Not all times it rains are times it pours a. 1.They all claim that morality is relative. )Simon's restaurant receives the best reviews from local food critics. If A (antecedent), then B (consequent). Therefore, some professors are not authors." PREMISE: All fathers are men 3. Which of the following are true of generalizations? c. Erroneous generalization, Translate the following claim into standard form: "Men are the only members of the fraternity Phi Delta Phi" b It is based on evidence from different sources. b. Is there enough evidence for the claim? 1.an argument that you should vote for Smith because everyone else is going to vote for him A. Sarcastic B. a. "All mammals are warm blooded. 2.The purpose of argumentation is to convince others of the truth of what you believe. c. No, its neither valid nor sound True Purchase? 4.All these answers are correct. c. No horse are plants An inductive argument 1.popularity You can ask a new question or browse more health questions. 4: (Children who read 5 or less minutes a day are more likely to score lower on reading tests.) a. b. If Rainbow Bridge is worth seeing at all, then byGod it should be easily, readily, immediately available to everybody with themoney to buy a big powerboat . Killing or euthanizing a human person is morally wrong. 3.an argument that some claim must be false because no one can prove that it is true A snake is a mammal. 2.5 points QUESTION 27 1. "If Jamal studies for the exam, he'll do well. Which of the following best describes the way the last paragraph functions in the context of the passage? c. Quality Particular If we have milk, then we have breakfast. What type of argument is this? 2.self-interest 4.All these answers are correct, Which of the following methods do scientists consider the only reliable one for obtaining knowledge? 4.When science and religion conflict, we should side with religion. Which of the following is an argument? Its premises offer only support rather than proof for the conclusion recognize an authors opinion or claim about the topic of their argument No proper nouns are misspelled. 4.None of these answers is correct. When the conclusion necessarily follows When the conclusion is very likely to follow When the argument is valid When the argument is sound 6 points QUESTION 2 1. a. I have a cough b. d. affirming the consequent. <br> Organized because I firmly believe that in any successful initiative, the answers to the questions 'what', 'when', 'how' and 'who', should be very clear. A good generalization has all true premises. a. 1.leadership skills In a modus _______________ argument, the second premise denies the consequent, Which type of syllogism contains a conditional premise and a premise that states the antecedent? John is a dog, Therefore, John went to the vet." Unsound Sound Uncogent Cogent. C.Evidence is presented in support of the . B follow connections between a claim that was made and the evidence used to support it SURVEY . The ethical subjectivist claims that we all have a duty to be tolerant of others. Individuals tend to reason better in familiar contexts. *The term that appears 2nd in the conclusion, "Some M are not N. All P are N. Therefore, some P are not M." What is the middle in this argument? Which of the following commits the fallacy of popular appeal? Therefore, Jay has read the Harry Potter series. AND (Reading for 20 minutes every day exposes students to nearly 1.8 million words each school year.) b. "Not" in front of either of the terms Which of the following is true of gender and communication styles? Not all bears are grizzlies Classical The student is summarizing information from page 176 of a 1980 book with two authors, Marks and Kammann. c. A poll When the results are simplified into a developmental continuum of three stages, the first stage is called. The conclusion, A(n) _______________________ syllogism sorts things into specific classes, * The minor term <---------> Effective communication can help with which of the following? a. X 1. Opinion and beliefs; statement that report information but include no reasoning. Neither the conclusion of an argument nor a premise in an argument is a proposition. Which of the following is a proposed explanation for a particular set of phenomena? Therefore, not A. A claim that has feelings in it. d. exactly 3, "If to rains today, we won't go to park. Cross out any misspelled word, and write the correctly spelled word above it. important to the United States? Biesta (2007) lays out a careful yet devastating argument against basing all educational policy on what we call "evidencebased research," meaning not only empirical research, but experimental-based research following the model of randomized controlled field trials of research-based medicine. So, I'll make a pot roast. 4.All these answers are correct. 1.The physical world can be studied without bias on the part of scientists. a. c. Categorical All people required to take the exam are Freshman b. Some people required to take the exam are Freshman 3.styles of communicating 3.None of these answers is an example of snob appeal. 2. tolerance. The student is quoting from paragraph 1 of a 1998 online article by Travis Dacolias. Which of the following correctly describes an argument? a. a. Really I don't like helping anyone cheat but I do not want anyone failing! C the repetition of sounds at the beginning of words, i used this to makke sure my answers were right and it was rigth. 1.an argument that uses the word "because" 2.the moral theory that claims you should do what will best promote general happiness 2.herefore" a. Choose three pilgrims and describe how their outward appearances reflect their personalities. Effective critical thinkers are able to balance belief and doubt with an attitude of If I had to describe myself with just three words, those would be the following: organized, resourceful and ambitious. tanisha3020 The option that best describes the function of the first paragraph is option B. 3.the process of clarifying what you mean when you make a claim 3- Is there enough evidence for the claim? Various cosmological models of the Big Bang explain the evolution of the observable universe from the earliest known periods through its subsequent large-scale form. 3.body language . c. Link argument 3.The purpose of argumentation is to convince others of the truth of what you believe. c. "Every crow I have every is black. False. a. Discuss dramatic irony and how it applies to the story. 2.Passive-aggressive communicators avoid confrontation and instead let others control them. Which of the followiny best describes an argument the executives made to support their decision and the cognitive bias that is tied to it? All dogs are mammals, "Whenever it rains, it pours". Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between philosophy and science? 4.All these answers are correct. c. Diagram any universal propositions, a. They are capable of helping us solve our problems. Which of the following is true of a good hypothesis? a. I have first had experiences. a. 2. Which of the following best describes a fallacious argument? 4.None of these answers is correct. 1.None of these answers is correct. 2.the use of reason and evidence to support a conclusion 1.a moral theory So, don't take that road" Conclusion: B. c. Hasty generalization True 1.the fallacy of amphiboly 4.therefore, Which of the following should any good argument do? b. I did not _______________ it at all. I strive to set high standards for myself, my peers and the teams I lead, while at the same time . 1.nonverbal cues such as body language 1.herefore" The student is quoting from page 52 of a 2001 article, "Talking to the Dead," by Leon Jaroff. 1.being aware of the communication styles of others Which of the following displays the fallacy of appeal to pity? )The Chicago Cubs finally won a World Series in 2016. 4- *Reading for 20 minutes every day exposes students to nearly 1.8 million words each school year* and *Children who read 5 or less minutes a day are more likely to score lower on reading tests* The physical world can be studied without bias on the part of scientists. d. All defective arguments are fallacious. Finance questions and answers. Unit 2 Progress Check: MCQ. a. d. Modus ponens. Translate the claim into standard form d. A deductive arguments with 2 premises and a conclusion, d. A deductive arguments with 2 premises and a conclusion, Suppose the conclusion of a valid deductive argument were false. Oblivious of the sudden drop in temperature, I left the house ______, (A) without taking a sweater 3.Neither the conclusion of an argument nor a premise in an argument is a proposition. It is very important to be attentive to conceptualization when carrying out or evaluating empirical work. c. Modus tollens, Where must you look to find the middle term of a categorical syllogism? c. Two overlapping circles with an X in the area where they overlap It's not a duck, In a modus tollens argument, what is the diction of the second premise? studies suffered from severe methodological problems, namely: (1) the potential for judging bias, (2) the use of an inappropriate control group, and (3) inadequate safeguards against sensory leakage" (p. 27). determine whether or not a claim is valid and if it is supported by the evidence 2.an argument that has a structure that renders it invalid The emperor has benefited from the riches acquired in the Americas. The student is summarizing information from an undated online article by Ray Hyman. 4.keeping a dream journal, Which of the following is one of the basic steps of the scientific method? All the premises are true 3.attempts at explanation based on observation and testing A false conclusion doesn't necessarily mean that a deductive argument is invalid False, Which of the following best describes an argument? a. a. M Thank you all for the help 3.The Earth is the center of the universe. 3.toughness of character Merry Christmas and happy Hanukkah or anything else you celebrate! c. It has no premises The literature review is followed by a statement of the precise focus of the research, and this statement builds on the knowledge gap in the problem statement. If I go to Washington D. next weekend, then I'll get you a souvenir. PREMISE: All men are mortals. However, wind is unreliable and hydro is too expensive. c. Darwin's theory of evolution shows that God does not exist. 2.words spoken An argument has to be based on facts which are correct - you shouldn't base your argument on incorrect information because then you will look stupid. What type of argument is this? b. Which informal fallacy claims that a member of a group must have some characteristic of that group? Fill in the blank using the appropriate form of the verb from the C when the argument is valid. The National Science Board (2000) cautioned that believers in paranormal phenomena are dangerously distanced from reality: "Their beliefs may indicate an absence of critical thinking skills necessary not only for informed decision making in the voting booth and other civic venues (for example, jury duty), but also for making wise choices needed for everyday living" (p. 12). 4.Women never communicate in order to simply relate information. "mostly likely". So, we'll be at the part by 3." "All A are H. No S are H. Therefore, no S are A." Hyman (n.d.) pointed out that no medium has ever managed to demonstrate psychic abilities under controlled laboratory conditions, even though large cash prizes have been offered to anyone who succeeds. 3.a moral theory that claims that the standards of a culture determine what is right or wrong for members of that culture b. Don't Cheat!!! The term with in the proposition d. The argument is sound, McGraw-Hill Ch. Upon what type of argument is the reasoning based? The psychological phenomenon known as selective exposure occurs when people choose source material and authorities that reflect what they already believe (Marks & Kammann, 1980, p. 176).

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which of the following best describes an argument