influxdb home assistant no data

Watch your Home Assistant log files for any errors to make sure the connection to InfluxDB is working as expected. How do you handle this? Just click on that field and you will get auto completion for all possible entities in the database. Additionally, you can now make use of an InfluxDB 2.0 installation with this integration. You can do that using the iFrame panel component. There are a couple of InfluxDB docker images floating around for the Raspberry Pi, but I went with this one. In very short time you can create a custom dashboard that includes diagrams or current status numbers for your devices. Stuck on one thing though. Others however will report the battery level as an attribute to the entity_id, which makes it hard to read in Grafana/InfluxDB. Your query only deletes measurements, it does not return any. You're now in the InfluxDB web GUI. Hi Phil, what is the best way to update to the new version? Home Assistant basics II what the heck are automations, blueprints, scenes and scripts? InfluxDB 2.0 - Complete Guide to Getting Started with InfluxDB 2. Input this value or select your own. Thankfully Home Assistant has some integrations we can use. There is currently support for the following device types within Home Assistant: The influxdb database integration runs parallel to the Home Assistant database. Once I have these in Home Assistant, its easy to get the value into Grafana and InfluxDB. This is where I leave you. 2.xx - Defaults to for 2.xx, not localhost. I tryed to install your container on my Synology NAS with DSM 6.2 but it seems not work properly. Once youre happy that the changes are valid, hit the restart button on the same tab. One for HomeAssistant to be able to write to the bucket another for Grafana to be able to read from the bucket. Its useful for recording metrics, sensor data, events, and performing analytics. THanks for helping me out Phil, but I still have the same error. Sqlite DB corruption - migration to other engine? Thanks for the heads up about Glances. Straight away youll see the gauge appear. Once you've installed InfluxDB and got it running, all you need to do is create a database using the influx command to get to the InfluxDB command line: > create database home_assistant. One difference is that the guide recommended to replace the location of HAs database with a real data base also hosted somewhere. I mentioned that I create template sensors for extracting the battery levels for my devices. You have several options to get them answered: You could also open an issue on GitHub, in case you ran into a bug, or maybe you have an idea on improving the addon: At this moment our Home Assistant Community Add-ons Discord chat server and GitHub are our only official support channels. I already learned to do this for now (, but it also looks like you can set up notifications there based on any criteria, so could easily replace lots of automation I have. Hi Phil, Yes, I saw the repo for connection pool increase. The user needs read/write privileges on the database. This is optional, but highly recommended. 2.xx only - List of sensors to expose in Home Assistant. But I just found out something: I have no clue where I could actually check the bucket size :-D I guess that info could come in handy Great write up. That is to be expected. The add-on you are currently looking at right now was developed/packaged by me. I can connect to p3003 fine for Grafana, and 3004 fine for Chronograf but how do I get to the Influxdb landing page in your video so that I can set up an influx db? Once influxdb.yaml is saved, we can add it to the main Home Assistant config like so. Once logged in, the command youll want to run is, I changed the owner in File Station to my User and now grafana works . If you want the graphs inside the UI, Im not 100% sure how to go about this. The list of entity ids to be excluded from recording to InfluxDB. Best to check the readme on the Github repo, but this should work for you now. Repeat the same thing with "Grafana - Read" token. Each sensors state is set by configuring a Flux query. Possible values: unit_of_measurement, domain__device_class or entity_id. After a few minutes Home Assistant will start pouring sensor data into your new InfuxDB database. As an aside is there any GUI-focused ways to control docker containers? One thing you should add to your Home Assistant service is the, The second service is our new InfluxDB service. Hi Phil, Once the data is stored in the database you can analyze it for trends, create graphs and use the data in other applications. You're back at the initial Docker create window. I am stuck though with this error in HASSIO logs, Setup failed for influxdb: Component failed to initialize. Which sensors do you want to show in the UI? You need to do the following steps in order to get this working: Click on "OPEN WEB UI" to open the admin web-interface provided by this add-on. Created dashboards are not stored persistently. I want to get the current InfluxDB database size of homeassistant . A series in InfluxDB is the unique set of 1) measurement name, combined with 2) tag names and their values. It looks like grafana cant start properly, do you have any clue why? It means that when you want to ignore, for example, the icon_str attribute that shows in your InfluxDB instance, you need to provide icon to ignore_attributes. Defines a template to extract a value from the payload. To answer these types of questions, we need to use a separate system. State object attribute(s) to use as measurement name. Click "Add" button and in the "variable" field enter TZ and in the "Value" field enter your timezone in format continent/City (you can find a list here). Youll be presented with a blank graph now. Well, for the Home Assistant UI, once youve made your attributes their own sensors with template sensors it should be a simple matter of just adding the applicable entity_id to your groups file. But yeah you can also install influxdb as an addon in the HA VM if you are using, however it's only version 1.7 at the moment I believe. Click on the "HomeAssistant - Write" token (directly on the name) and a window will open where a long string will be shown. Hello Phil, I just installed the InfluxDB-Grafana docker. For example, in InfluxDB Cloud it looks like this:{OrganizationID}. FYI Influx is not generally used as a replacement for the main database but as a supplement. If you do, then click on the "Submit" button on the extreme right side of the screen. The cog icon saying "Configuration". So, it could be you have to keep your HA online for 24 hours so it receives the updates from all the nodes. Home Assistant is a great open source home automation platform. OK thats interesting. I had my syntax wrong. Section 1 - Deploy InfluxDB 2.x in Docker Following the instructions has a - in the username, which you may or may not have copied. About Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics. The group function to be used. I am already using this addon for influxdb. There are two parts to this setup. Check the InfluxDB documentation on Home Assistant for the complete list of configuration. Some research is needed but, first, Ill implement the device tracking for essential components you wrote on. Or when the sensor wakes? After modifying your Home Assistant config be sure to restart Home Assistant (I usually do this through the Configuration UI). Save the "configuration.yaml" file and restart the home assistant. bartweemaels January 27, 2022, 9:40pm 1. This attribute contains domain-specific integration override values. Infact, theres been a fix put in place on the InfluxDB side, after some others reported the same here:, I can see theres a pull request to add a new paramater to Home Assistant which will fix this here: One small question, Im new to the whole docker thing. In "Token" field copy-paste the value of the "Grafana - Read" token, that you saved at the end of Section 3. The one with the + sign, named "Create". If you just want to create sensors for an external InfluxDB database and you dont want Home Assistant to write any data to it you can exclude all entities like this: To configure this sensor, you need to define the sensor connection variables and a list of queries to your configuration.yaml file. Since I'm using Docker on Synology, my steps will be geared towards that environment, but I trust that it shouldn't be to hard to re-map them to your particular Docker deployment. First, is the database. You can learn more about it from their documentation or by using the query builder in the UI. You must configure the influxdb history component in order to create influxdb sensors. Be sure that what you put in the -v /path/for/influxdb:/var/lib/influxdb exists and writeable. If there's a tag named "entity_id" with that value, it will be dropped, and if instead there's a field, nothing will happen. Section 8 - Configure Grafana to retrieve data from InfluxDB. You should see Data source is working if you have configured everything correctly. For my entry sensor above, Im going to choose battery_entry_sensor. I can see attributes, but no battery status . Hi Phil, How can I show them in HASS ? 4. Is it primarily for energy monitoring? Or you can sign up for their cloud service and connect Home Assistant to that. Hi Youll also need to check which version of InfluxDB youre running. In this blog post I'll elaborate how I managed to get long term data history for my home assistant setup with InfluxDB. Lucky for you, I turn that C8H10N4O2 (caffeine molecule) into code (and add-ons)! You get an overview of entities in the DB. Each sensors state is set by configuring an InfluxQL query. Section 5 - Verification of HomeAssistant configuration in InfluxDB. See Customizing devices and services for format. To do so, modify your Home Assistant configuration.yaml to include the details of your InfluxDB installation. Otherwise I love dockers. I'm monitoring temperature and humidity in all the rooms. 2.xx only - Name of the bucket (not the generated bucket ID) within your Organization to read from. The more information your smart home has, the smarter it can be. However we have a whole bunch of temperature sensors inside which we could add in. sensors: !include template/sensors.yaml, My grafana influxdb and HA are on the same device running DSM 6.1. Just keep in mind by increasing the frequency of these reports, youll be using more of the battery, so battery life will be affected. I feel like it polls initially and then stops. Ive done all documented setup and double checked it. Both running on docker on the same host -host and -port options can be omitted if command is run on local InfluxDB host. So, its still a work in progress for the time being. The default InfluxDB configuration doesnt enforce authentication. Are you able to change the host to might help. You can run it as its own Docker container and manage other containers on the host system. I've been working in web development with CMSs and e-commerce for over 20 years. You could of course install Influxdata software yourself, but that is out of scope for this topic, Really cool addon thanks. As the name suggests this will download the latest image, which is currently 2.0.7. You can install Grafana on pretty much all platforms manually but I would suggest going with Docker for your smart home server to make all of this more manageable. It is not the only add-on I have created; there are many many more. and verify that the database exists and is READ/WRITE In my case it looks like this. I changed HA to run network host and added a firewall rule for port 8123. Needed with organization configuration variable. This means that in a home scenario you'll most likely just have one. Using MQTT, the power and energy generation data from Huawei's FusionSolar Kiosk can be fed into Home . Can I make something like this in singlestat ? I dont really need grafana as I want to import the values from influxdb into lovelace cards. You are better off with a SQL store like MariaDB if you want to do that. Adding data sources is not hard - just click on the "Add data source" icon and then choose InfluxDB. The first thing youll need to do is setup a username and password. If you are using Docker and both containers are on the same network you can simply reach it via containername:port. If that still doesnt fix it, I would then SSH into the container on port 22022. Overall it looks really good (I think), definitely better than in Home Assistant and only cost me one evening of work. Sounds like an ever growing pool of data if no retention is set. I scroll down, to the bottom of the "Filter" frame until I see the "C" entry. Here is a quick explanation what automations, blueprints, scenes and scripts are in Home Assistant. Youll need to expose the ports to Influx as well (although Im sure you did this, if you can access Grafana). The logbook shows last actions, while this gives me insights in the history. One thing I cannot solve even after reading everything I can find: Installed Influxdb and followed the guide. InfluxDB is a tool to help you solve that! Luckily for us, Home Assistant already has InfluxDB export capability built in, so all we need to do is configure it. host: With that HomeAssistant configuration should be finished. So nothing in my log except some unrelated issues with XKNX, sensor: Section 9 - Creating first graph in Grafana. 1.xx only - The password for the database user account. So now we have the basic understanding of how to create a dashboard in Grafana (dont forget to hit the save button!!). 1.xx only - Name of the database to use. These are great tools to see what the state of something was at a certain point in time, or what time an automation executed. Exclude all entities matching a listed pattern. platform: template I've got a PC where I have multiple VMs for some other stuff and have decided to put HA in a VM there. Any idea how I could pull data from influxdb and create new sensors in HA please? However, I'm also using a zigbee usb stick and the Synology NAS can only expose that to HA through a VM. Youll be able to setup multiple dashboards, and even multiple users. unit_of_measurement: '%' I have a hunch that it is an issue with Grafana not being able to read/write to your config directory. Node-RED is a flow-based development tool for visual programming which can be added to home assistant as a integration / add-on. In this case influxdb:8086. The list of entity ids to be included in recording to InfluxDB. Influx had big breaking changes from v1 to v2, so I'm personally avoiding the latest tag. Then add Name and URL, where the URL should be the hostname where the InfluxDB is installed. In "Auth" section turn off the "Basic auth" option. battery_entry_sensor: 2018-01-24 15:01:09,651 INFO exited: grafana (exit status 1; not expected) Click the "Next" button. Images, code and a full step by step guide on how to use Grafana and integrate it with Home Assistant for beautiful and functional dashboards! [emailprotected]:~#. 2018-06-18 14:38:55 ERROR (SyncWorker_5) [homeassistant.components.influxdb] Database host is not accessible due to HTTPConnectionPool(host=, port=8086): Max retries exceeded with url: /query?q=SHOW+SERIES+LIMIT+1%3B&db=home_assistant (Caused by NewConnectionError(: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 113] No route to host,)), please check your entries in the configuration file (host, port, etc.) You should only file an issue if you found a bug. Choose the "latest" tag. Now we should have something that looks better. your more machine than man. :-). Mine is about 1gb after 10 days and its mainly the network stats that add to it. I believe there is a Z-wave set config service, or it might be available from the Config panel. Is it only to ssh to the container and update ? To do this, well add the following to our configuration file. Youll need the IP address/hostname and port of your InfluxDB instance. Grafana is a fantastic tool. On the left side choose the seventh icon from the top. Click the AND to change it to an OR. Thanks for reading. Im rather confident the issue is with me, but after googling InfluxDB and reading through examples, playing with variants of possibilities Im out of good answers for what Im doing wrong here. For example I recently also added logs to the dashboard. Assign a name to the container (Grafana, for instance) and click "Advanced Settings". No idea why, but Im getting error message 2.xx only - Auth token with READ access to your chosen Organization and Bucket. You can easily change what time period is displayed on the screen from the top-right menu. When creating a new query, instead of choosing the unit of measurement first, like % or KB/s, select the entity_id you would like to get the attribute for.

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influxdb home assistant no data