how to describe fantasy clothing

Why this arguably works better is the details of getting dressed tell us multiple details about Gem. Heating to the perfect temperature was key. The time period of your story. To discover more awesome ideas, head over to Pinterest and just search for female fantasy armor. - Christine, on How to describe clothing in a story (with examples), 8 story hook examples (how to grab attention), Story structure examples: How to create payoffs for readers, How to describe to immerse readers (complete guide), How to write deep POV: 8 tips and examples, 9 exposition examples: How to write clear introductions, How to make a plot captivating: 7 strategies, Writing great characters: 5 lessons from modern novels. Continued successes could see knights rise higher up the ranks. So sometimes all it takes to create futuristic clothing is to take a trend that has passed, alter it slightly and you're done. So as a way of trying to control them and their behaviour, the code of chivalry and honour was introduced. And here are some great concepts for female fantasy armor. You really can tell a lot about a person by what they wear, or what they dont wear. However, you can show and imply a characters intention without spelling it out: Theyd agreed to meet downtown at six. Elsewhere, Mantels novel is full of descriptions of garments for specific, era-appropriate purposes: Riding cloaks, town coats, and other clothing people of means would have worn at this time. As far as guidelines go this is the first to be broken though, consider this one more of a starting point rather than something to necessarily end on. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts - Another way to use color is to make things seem like they're glowing even if they're not and to use gradients. for any particular parts of an outfit. Community . The rope belt is solely decorative and a status symbol. Characters Wear More Than Just Clothes. This can be a very effective way if your universe is based on an existing culture. Another type of cheap armor, one up from gambesons, was boiled leather, also known as cuir bouilli. - "Digital look". Or theyll be living off soda crackers and peanut butter for the next week because they drained their checking account for a suit to impress at their job interview. Am I trying to blow the interview? It would have been extremely warm too. With the major shapes in the thumbnails defined, choose the one that best exemplifies the feeling you're looking for. Just click the button below to find out more. We often express ourselves through our clothing, at least when we have the freedom to do so, so knowing who we're designing for is the first step in creating the perfect outfit for a character. What I would like to ask is how you would go about describing very specific details on more complex clothing? And right at the heart of it were the leaders of societythe medieval lords. Fantasy Armor - The Ultimate Guide - Richie Billing Troubles with Clothing in Fantasy + Some Ideas - Brielle Andela Added on top of that the condition that they had to supply him with soldiers too. Character description may change over the course of a story to emphasize a characters arc. Clothes that are suitable for everyday wear rather than formal occasions. Non-visual senses are big, too. Adorable. This is a fun one. Thanks Chuck! Details about fit, cut, and material go a long way when describing the clothing of a character who longs to attract. List of Medieval Clothing (91 terms!) - The Medieverse: Tim's Realistic Armor, therefore, wasnt that heavya full suit weighed approximately 50 pounds, which is around 3 to 4 stone. and our To navigate your way through this guide, just click the links below. Privacy Policy. But let's take a step back and look at what kind of clothing is usually associated with futuristic settings. How to Describe Clothing in Writing Without Boring Everybody What Clothes Say About Your Characters - The Write Practice With these two changes alone you already have an item that didn't exist in medieval times, but is familiar enough to work in a fantasy setting. Using this site means trees will be planted. You can also fulfil (or contradict) impressions your characters (or readers) form based on appearances. Lets talk about how to describe clothing in writing organically. Or else that she feels shamed by her Aunt and thus decides to be good. If your protagonist is donning a tri-cornered hat, loosening a corset, or strutting through town in a new toga, your reader has a good sense of time period. Nylon and polyester fabrics weren't invented until almost the mid 20th century for example. Adding them with intention can help increase tension, make twists hit that much harder, and keep your reader engaged., How to Describe Clothing in Writing Without Boring Everybody, Tertiary Characters: Giving Your Background Players Life, Sidekicks: The Loyal Companion Your Hero Needs. That decorative belt? A man's padded undercoat worn under a doublet and over a shirt; a woman's (often padded) under-tunic or the skirt of her riding habit. Embarrassed by her own inability to dress in finery for the occasion (and by being upstaged), Katerina resorts to scathing mockery of Amalia. Its a bit OCD of me. Your article is really great. This description generator will create a mostly random description of either a dress or a suit, fit for formal occasions and other fancy needs. No problem! That said, once you describe how a person dresses you shouldn't really keep doing it unless it is relevant to the plot. Does your character need to hide? Showing what your characters are wearing can be a great way to show your readers what they might be up to that day without having to actually narrate anything. But the biggest challenge can sometimes be simply making something look futuristic or historic fantasy-ish, which is the main focus of this guide. 160 Best Character description ideas | character description, fantasy With all that armor, its often assumed the medieval knight was immobile. Knights werent as immobile as people assum, though I can imagine in a quagmire itd be tricky to get up. What your character wears reveals where they come from, how they rank in society, how they want to be perceived, and even how they feel about themselves. But they are a common element used in fantasy clothing in all sorts of works of fiction. On occasion, Abi pretends to be a poet. But they could also dress in modest, inexpensive-looking clothes. Use fashion and clothing history archives if necessary. Another quick way of making standard clothing fantasy themed is by converting clothes form the relative future to one that could be created in whichever time period your universe falls under. They're the Robin to your Batman, the Luigi to your Mario, the Samwise Gamgee to your Frodo Baggins. I can only imagine the pain of the chafing! Copyright 2023 Richie Billing | Fantasy Writer. Through fashion terms you can understand the fundamentals of the fashion industry. A warrior had to fight the enemy, and to fight his armor as well would be too distracting. Smart: Neat and tidy clothes but not necessarily formal. The same goes for other types of technology that could realistically be incorporated into the design of your character's clothing. Can you imagine tweaking this to make your own set of fantasy armor? Every time we got separated in a public space, I discovered myself in a sea of mature women with the same haircut and pastel tops. The shrewd king essentially licensed out parcels of his land as rewards to his warriors in exchange for their military service. Slog through another meaningless day in a world where nothing matters? Maybe theyre wearing an article of clothing that once belonged to someone theyve lost. Those warriors came from the people who lived on the lands under the watch of the knights. It illustrates brilliantly the differences between fantasy armor and the boring armor of reality, in this case, Gothic armor. Think of the process like dressing a doll: start at the beginning and up build the layers. Describing armor and clothing. : r/writing - reddit Dragon scales, fiery furs and feathers and other elements can quickly turn a standard item into a fantasy one. The geographical setting might suggest that your characters are expected to abide by strict rules for modesty or are celebrated for being wild and free. And its in designs that you can really go wild with your own fantasy armor. What are the rules of your characters world? Who is your character at the beginning of the story, and how can you dress them to establish their normal? Other clothing pieces could be various types of hats and scarves, (trench) coats and even something as simple as pockets or buttons used for fastening rather than as decoration to name just a few. But put me in a job interview wearing the same outfit, and youd probably start making new guesses about my intentions. Is your character trying to attract positive attention? This pride, though justifiable, displeased Katerina Ivanovna for some reason. I tried to add as much variety as possible, but without turning the whole description into a mess. Whenever other races or species are involved, like elves and trolls, it's often best to give them clothing that differs from whatever humans (and other races) wear, even if those differences are subtle. Ha-ha! Youll be blown away by the number of awesome things on there. We already have spray on clothing technology. The tragedy of Azincourt, for example, occurred because of a poorly-chosen battleground that had flooded. Its all in the craft.Its good that youre here to learn how to describe clothing in writing, because its a powerful tool. That would depend on a few things. The jacket has a narrow, rectangular neckline which reveals part of the fancy shirt worn below it and is worn with a light rope belt, which is held together by a simple knot. And when Mother Nature gets involved, even the best suit of armor can have problems. Like all forms of exposition, your goal is to deliver this information without pulling the reader out of the story. A velvet scrunchie. Helpful links to blog posts, articles, videos and guides are shared every day. Ive always wondered that too! Good for the mobile knight. For example, if a character is going on a date, you could write: Gem wanted to look sexy for her date downtown (but not easy), so she changed into more comfortable clothes. A simple t-shirt could be cut diagonally in the front, give both shoulder parts a different style from the arms, elongate one side and so on. Theyre the lifeblood of any relationship. When heated, steel turns from yellow, to brown, to blue, to red. Now this won't work for every piece of clothing of course, not everything has buttons or edges that allow for simple changes we don't already use today, so here are a few ways that are commonly used to make things look more futuristic: 60s-inspired. "A dress" (or using "the" to refer to a particular "garment") means an item of clothing that is normally worn by women. The pieces around the vital organsthe chest and headwere thicker and heavier than those on the arms and legs to try and reduce weight as much as possible. Would the fashion designers in your fantasy novel make use of dragon scales? The last minute change suggests an indecisive nature. The more you know about real clothing and armor, the more tools in your bag of tricks for describing awesome fantasy pieces. Someone jumps down from a boundary wall wearing dark clothes and clutching a bag, that's enough of a clue they're a burglar, and if the protagonist now has to chase them then a description of the form those clothes take down to the buckles on the shoes is going to break the flow. My story feels like its set more in medieval times, but I don't want my characters running around in full out tunics and. Its fun to play with power in clothing, because it's a relative concept. However, you can tell your reader interesting things through a mismatch: A wealthy character might show off their expensive clothing. Or it could be that they want to be charmed by their own image when they look in the mirror. Join Kickstart your Novel and get professional feedback on your first three chapters and story synopsis, plus workbooks and videos. This one is simple, right? Well also take a look at female fantasy armor and those used by, Mail was particularly effective against glancing blows. In Gabriel Garcia Marquezs Love in the Time of Cholera (1985), we learn of a doctors status through his being the only person at an event who is not smartly dressed: Although it was not customary for invitations to request special attire, least of all for a luncheon in the country, the women wore evening gowns and precious jewels and most of the men were dressed in dinner jackets with black ties, and some even wore frock coats. Thank you for sharing this valuable information. At a quarter to six, Gem pulled off the low-cut top Emma had wolf-whistled and clappedat when theyd met for their usual weekend catch-up. For example, a shy person will often wear 'regular' clothing, clothing that isn't too bright or outgoing in both design and colors. Only the most sophisticated, Dr. Urbino among them, wore their ordinary clothes. What the description shows is that many of the inviteesplay at status through fancy dress. Otherwise they wont take you seriously as an artist.. Hello, I am attempting to write my first fantasy novel (and my first novel), and I'm having difficulty visualizing what kind of clothes my characters should be wearing. What is the prevailing value in the society of your story? The aim is to arm you with what you need to enrich your tales with brilliant detail. Lets take a look at how clothing description indicates your characters identity, goals, and culture. Describe these in passing to add visual colour and authenticity to your character descriptions. And medieval warfare was a bloody affair. And lets not forget the trusty steed. How to describe scenery ? : r/fantasywriters - Once blue, it is quenched a second time, permanently fixing its hardness. Allrightsreserved, create an authentic sense of time and place, Use fashion and clothing history archives,, 1: Use clothing to show status and position, 2: Build (or thwart) expectations using clothing descriptions, 3: Describe clothing to contrastcharacters personalities, 4: Show clothing to avoid over-relying on telling, 5: Change characters clothing to highlight character development, 6: Use clothing details to recreate authentic setting, Build (or thwart) expectations using clothing descriptions, Describe clothing to contrast character personalities, Show clothing to avoid over-relying on telling, Change clothing to highlight character development, Use clothing details to create authentic setting. Some helmets had chain attached which hung around and protected the neck, called an aventail, and most were padded inside, for added comfort. Yet Dr. Urbinos status as a respected doctor is earned he has nothing to prove by dressing smarter. It gives you an idea of the capabilities that armor can have. Love this topic!! As I write this, I am wearing jeans that are too big, a gray t-shirt I inherited from a former roommate, and a pilled hoodie from a lighting vendor that works with my friends husbands company. Use the Character section of the Idea Finder to develop quick story ideas and flesh out your storys cast. You can keep track of your characters signature style, upload photos, note how their style evolves, and keep these ideas right at your fingertips as you write. Pingback: The Life of the Medieval Lord - Richie Billing, Pingback: How To Create Your Very Own Living Breathing Fantasy World - Richie Billing, Pingback: Fantasy Races - The Ultimate Guide To Elves, Orcs and Dwarves | Richie Billing, Pingback: Killer Diseases of the Middle Ages | Richie Billing, Pingback: Medieval Cannons: The Essential Guide | Richie Billing, Pingback: On Writing: Fantasy Without Magic Of Metal and Magic Publishing, Pingback: The Lives Of Medieval Peasants - Richie Billing. And if you were skilled at surviving and killing, it was a good way to make a living. Get free books, an invite to my exclusive writing group, writing tools and guides and much more when you join my community. What is a good way to do Show not tell in a first person POV state? Fancy clothing description generator - Fantasy name generators And ninety-nine percent of the clothing descriptions in your first draft are just jeans. I get it. You can immediately show a character is wealthy with descriptions of fine clothing. They should be doing that. They looked something like this: One of the main defensive strengths of plated armor came from its curved design, which deflected both blades and arrows. ), The geographical location of your story. First and foremost we need to know who we're designing for. Clothing tells your reader a lot about your characters goals and motivations within a given scenario. In other words take what exists and apply it differently. When you use clothing to define who your character is, remember that it can also clarify how they feel about themselves and how they fit into the world around them. Imagine your own armored knights storming through the battlefield like iron giants. You could even move the buttons to the side and have it close diagonally instead. Characters wear more than just clothes. "White tunics" have been worn from 2016 to a good forty thousand years ago. That works. Finally there's the aspect of fashion to take into account. Now turn the edges a different color or make them light up and you immediately have a more futuristic looking suit. As with body armor, great efforts were made with the designs of helmets. And if you dont write historical fiction? stylish, expensive clothing, yet not specific to a certain time or place. Clean, powerful strikes were needed to disable a foe wearing mail. Again, I don't mean make your character walk around naked, but add elements of covering up or exposing certain areas of the body. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 'There is a blog for every aspect of the writing journey.' If you arent keeping at least a few secrets from your friends and loved ones, are you really living? Clothing description is something I have to actively choose to create, too. Does it Matter What Your Character Wears? - The Write Practice - Break up clothing into more separate pieces and give them their own styles. Whether its a beekeeping suit, climbing helmet, knee pads, or sun-protective fabric, what your character wears provides a clue about whats at stake in the coming scene. They give you the chance to offer comic relief, a dash of wisdom, and just some good old fashioned friendship., Sidekick characters. I mean what your character wears provides a clue to how they see themselves, how they want to be seen, and even how others see them. But even regular elements can help with this. Not really. It's easy to try this out too, at least the simple line version. The bully Gradgrind is the type whod wear a waistcoat concealing an eyeglass for catching people out. His writing offers a masterclass in how to describe clothing in stories. Mention the familiar swooshing of the neighbors tracksuit as he runs by the house every morning or how the aunts jacket always smells like cold air and pine needles. Play with the question of presentation and power! Well, mostly. Your email address will not be published. (Has denim been invented yet? And what weve covered here today is only just the tip of the iceberg. Affordable . Here, for example, Hilary Mantel describes a Cardinals residence being plundered by the Kings men in 1529 England, in her historical novel Wolf Hall. Thanks I will be following your blog from now one I just came across it today. The eye slits were narrow to prevent all sizes of arrowheads from finding their way through. Its hard to really appreciate just how sickeningly awful medieval warfare would have been. This is a heavy generalization of course and entirely based on Western culture of today, but these rules may not apply at all in a fictional universe, no matter if it's futuristic or based on a historic setting. In some cases because they simply didn't have the technology for it, in others because it was too expensive and/or time consuming for the average person. Its because concrete details are incredibly effective in communicating abstract concepts. Very informative. But status can be communicated in more subtle ways, too. To create a more futuristic looking style an easy way of doing it is to incorporate technology into the clothing itself. Expensive indeed, and heavystronger horses had to be bred to handle the weight. Clothes that are loose and hanging in folds. Its about building a life and a world, and that is something you can do. Share. Describing clothes? : r/writing - reddit Jordan is a writer, editor, community manager and product developer. The clothes a person wears tellsus many things: their status in life, for example, or their cultural affiliation or identity. ). Thank you for reading our blog! They're the ones who are always there to lend a helping hand, crack a joke, or provide some much-needed emotional relief.And let's be real, sometimes they dont go unsung. Blades hacking, slicing and puncturing, cutting open gaping wounds and severing limbs and heads from bodies. For instance, if I'm reading a story and the narrative mentions jeans right off, I'm thinking mid twentieth century or later (while dungarees would be late nineteenth . Without decriptions of the clothing it's a bit boring, the novel becomes a list of people the reader can't imagine doing things. The easy way to describe the setting is when the characters interact with it, e.g. Also bear in mind that not all clothing descriptions have to be presented as She put on x or He was wearing y. You can draw your readers attention to an item of clothing by having your character draw on their jeans or fiddle with their collar. We have all sorts of headphone designs to reflect our clothing styles and just wearing or not wearing a headphone will completely change how a character is often perceived. You can go for standard quasi medieval fantasy clothing. When heated, steel turns from yellow, to brown, to blue, to red. Heres how to describe clothing in writing to show your readers the world to which your character belongs. - Make things look glossy, smooth and clean. Most clothing throughout history consisted of longer pieces of fabric and with minimal tailoring and cuts. Use your first-person narrators senses sight, hearing, touch, etc. Some materials are used more than others, some colors are more desirable than others and some accessories are more desirable than others and these all changed throughout time. Be specific and accurate. Advertisements. Think of other interesting combinations: A teacher who dresses provocatively; a beggar with an innate sense of style. In most cases simply copying the style of whichever era you've based your story on is enough, but it can be fun to create your own styles and in some cases it'd make sense to have your own styles as well. Like Dostoyevsky, think how something as small as a characters change of clothing can affecttheir own or others behaviour. Like say a vest with mirrored sequins and rhinestones, but they all go in a pattern and you feel the need to describe the pattern line by line? You dont need it to sign up. Since it's a friends' get-together, let's wear casual attire. Are the characters of your dystopian novel forced to make do with burlap and mud? The more outlandish the fantasy species your character is the more outlandish you can usually be with clothing, but familiarity is usually still a solid ground for a realistic feel, even if the universe and the creatures are completely unrealistic. Now on the other end of the spectrum we have fantasy clothing and more history based clothing. (Huh.). So below, well take a look at the relationship between the genre of fantasy and medieval armor. These are usually a little trickier to do well as they can look familiar quickly, but it's a usually a good element to have at your disposal. Such coats were made from brass or iron, though steel was deemed best due to its toughness. As soon as the actor enters stage right or left, we have an inkling of whether theyre a wealthy landowner or peasant, an elegant heiress or humble flower-seller. You may have seen steelworkers doing this after forging the likes of blades and horseshoes. A simple t-shirt could be cut diagonally in the front, give both shoulder parts a different style from the arms, elongate one side and so on. Military service was always well-rewarded and violence applauded. Besides, these are all just guidelines meant to spark some inspiration in you. Fancy dresses. PsstDoes Your Character Have a Secret? Okay, maybe not.Secrets in real life can be a little trickywe all have thembut they have a way of blowing up in our faces, depending on how big they are.Your characters are really no different. The answer to this question gives you a ton of clarity. Mail was lightweight and flexible. A knight, by definition, was a lord. Not quite. He took off his helmet and a Norman archer made a lucky shot that put out Harolds eye and ended the battle.It should be noted that, with the helmets of the time, it wasnt necessary for Harold to take off his helmet, either to be seen or to get his eye shot out. Is your central conflict a life-or-death situation? Choose A Chapter The Fantasy Genre And Medieval Armor Chain Mail Plated Armor Helmets Other Types Of Armor The Medieval Knight She also writes for film and television with her brother and writing partner, Phil Wurdeman. I never thought of there being a uniform for Midwestern ladyness. Well also take a look at female fantasy armor and those used by knights, potential designs, and ways to help you find inspiration for creating your own. See more ideas about character description, fantasy fashion, fantasy clothing. Even the non-conformists are influenced by societal norms. One easy way of creating a more customized look is to simply use cultural elements in the standard clothing. Meanwhile, the character who works two jobs while going to school full-time might scour the Goodwill rack for a designer tag to help them fit in at the same party. In pre-thermometer times this was difficult as you can imagine, so instead, armorers observed the colour of the heated steel. I once wrote about imbuing everyday objects with meaning because talisman create great opportunities for symbolism! Blunt weapons were effective, causing haemorrhaging and concussion, so padded garments known as a doublet or gambeson were worn underneath to provide added protection. And as a reader, nothing bores me like an entire paragraph of detailed clothing description. I'll make a separate point for sci-fi/futuristic clothing and fantasy/historic clothing. In reality, a medieval lord could pretty much do what they liked. The clothing itself can be just standard medieval gear, but with these elements they immediately look (wood) elvish. Your trust fund character might be completely confident showing up to a party in board shorts and flip-flops. Ready to sketch vivid characters for your novel? When describing clothing in writing, consider: You can also use this aspect of clothing description to paint a vivid picture of the world you imagined. And well dip back in time to look at medieval armor and how it was used and crafted. One way is to avoid what we call filter words. An anxious college student buys a flower crown in the hopes of feeling young and free at Coachella. In both of these it was mostly the rich who had the extravagant clothing, which brings back the earlier point of how culture influences what a character might wear. An owl in new ribbons, ha-ha-ha! Excuse the on hold background music. As well see below, one of the best things about using medieval armor in a fantasy story is the freedom to elevate it in some way.

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how to describe fantasy clothing