neptune conjunct descendant transit

Transiting Neptune was opposing my 11th House Saturn. Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read them. However, it can help you transcend mundane things and allow you to flow into higher, enlightening experiences. Pisces rules the Occipital Lobe of the brain and Seratonin. It may be an easy way of finding glamor rather than the more difficult path to build the excitement and glamor into your own life, to change yourself into that ideal that you long for in others, to be the creative person yourself rather than affiliating with the talents of others. Use this interpretation for natal Neptune in the 8th house, transiting Neptune in the 8th house, progressed Neptune in the 8th house, or solar arc Neptune in the 8th house. 3 People with weight problems often had an intrusive parent who did not respect the childs need for privacy, the childs boundaries a mother who interferes freely into the childs life, reads diaries, listens to telephone conversations, excessive checking up on child or making decisions for child; a father who is too physically intrusive, unnecessary displays of improper affection. Loss of motivation, direction and previous dreams. Now she could see that through this painful experience, her heart was being transformed. Neptune Transits | Cafe Astrology .com Gradually you will learn that you are a source of a spiritual truth, and that you can question what others tell you. To say Ive lost my drive and focus would be an understatement! Wearing deep, regal red also helps extrovert your energies. When transiting Neptune is conjunct your natal Neptune: This transit does not happen in the lives of most people. Effector or Affected, continued. The day I sat down to write it up, transiting Pluto was exactly conjunct the South Node, within half a degree of the IC. It stimulates confidence that makes it easier to let others know what you really think and believe, to stand up for your convictions. Distinguishing between what is real and what is deceptive and a false illusion. The Ascendant is the part of ourselves we show to the more casual people in our lives i.e the people at the store, the people at the bank, the people in our neighborhood. This will likely be a joyful and expansive relationship for you. Natal Neptune Conjunct Ascendant ~ Social Sympathy - AstroMatrix The fantasy of love. Neptune Conjunct Ascendant - Synastry, Transit, Composite It is difficult to exist with Neptune in the 1st and 12th houses: it fogs up the mind and gives out mirages from the imaginary world as reality, which is why the native flies like a butterfly into the flame of passions. I feel like I owe this person something and feel like my leaving will hurt them badly. Thoughtful friends, concerned with my plight, called periodically to connect with me. My mother had neptune conjunct the 7th house cusp and she didnt see her relationships accurately. With past experiences and clematis Im hoping this time will be the last and that Ill keep healthy habits. I felt so betrayed but I knew, typical of Neptune, that this was for the best. Having a partner whose standing in the relationship is never truly recognized by society or your family. Under Neptune, it is making me sad. But, lately I get to thinking that with Neptune on the Descendant I am one of those people who absorbs other peoples energy. This dialoguing can occur simply by speaking aloud, by picturing yourself engaging with this guardian of the body as a partner, as a compatriot, coming together to harness you views, to bring an outcome of harmony and balance in the physical realm. These issues are: 1) DISSOLUTION OF BOUNDARIES, 2) STRANGE ILLNESSES, 3) BETRAYAL, DISAPPOINTMENT or DECEPTION. 17 people love it! Brainstorm: Moon/Neptune Astrology Aspects interprets astrology aspects between the Moon and Neptune. You mentioned that you look for a savior or may be seen as a savior. With transiting Neptune conjunct her Descendant and square her natal Sun in the 4th house in Libra, she realized that marriage and family are everything to her, so she felt she could not leave her husband. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. I really did not have to do anything. Youre likely to overidealize new people you meet. My Adrenal of choice is by Nutri-Meds. I would think in terms of a saint/sinner. A great web of interconnections. Neptune Sextile Ascendant Aspects Natal and Transit - It teaches us to surrender and live with a calm acceptance of whatever may come, yet with a clear intention to heal whatever portions of this universe we can. There is the tendency to idealize people, especially lovers, and to blind yourself to the truth about their failures. More importantly, in an Empathic society individuals are taught how to work with the energy; learning that received energy is then transmuted, changed, translated. These one-of-a-lifetime encounters can mean a turning point . You need to make your own chart here. We sat together for a while speaking softly and looking around at all the people at the fair with unconditional love. I asked her to connect to a love transcending needs or expectations, a pure love for all beings. What is really happening is that Neptune transits help you transcend, or go outside of, your personal truths, and connect you with a higher reality. Required fields are marked *. Youre more aware of the subliminal all around you. Susan, a woman with a natal Sun-Neptune conjunction in Libra in the 4th house, was experiencing transiting Neptune conjunct her Descendant. I was aware that my hearing was worse but this forced me to really listen to what others were saying. There is a business connection in my life now that has made me feel very alienated, that I do not belong here in my home. Your increased sensitivity and compassion will make it hard to ignore the suffering of others but your first priority is to look after yourself. Mystical union. In a few minutes, all symptoms are gone. Then they say things as, I didnt feel like myself or others say to them, Youre not acting like yourself, etc. He needs to concentrate on what he needs to do in preparation of the transplant, which will hopefully take place over the next couple of months. It was during this experience that I learned that I indeed have many true friends right in my own back yard. Following is the preface to an article written in conjunction with a presentation given at The Monroe Institute: Loss of the beloved. It has been an ocean of tears, hypersensitivity and lack of clarity. This conflict between your worldly attachments and your best lifes path will go smoother if you use this period as a learning experience to enrich your inner spirit. In extreme cases, this can lead to degenerative diseases. I feel what other people feels I became a radar Yoga helps I got a yoga certification and directing session helps me a big deal My son moved back home this time with his girlfriend (who has the south node on my moon) the dynamic feels confusing I know there is a lot that IM learning and growing from- but I can not see it yet what do I need to release ? You can learn many things about yourself. Now again kind of a setback. Ask me If they had established proper boundaries at the beginning, they would never have allowed others to syphon off their energies and their sympathies. Neptune transiting descendant - Lindaland - Linda Goodman It is also a planet of mercy and compassion. A man in the bar whom we presumed was the house gigolo told us a history of the hotel, local gossip and many personal stories. I was no longer limited by the editor of this magazine. I have always been disconnected. However, during that transit, I began working on cruise ships giving lectures. When these two individuals are together, they feel like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle falling into place. Neptune conjunct Ascendant transit brings confusion, deception, and disappointment to your close one-to-one relationships. Neptune Conjunct The Descendant Interpretation | ElsaElsa Not every Neptune transit operates this way, especially if you are having Uranus or Pluto transits at the same time. You may sense what others are repressing. Sorry I just realised you meant transit Saturn. Edges blur. I focused upon those neglected flowers in my garden. Transiting Pluto conjunct the Descendant | Page 2 - Astrologers' Community I sensed this as well but I never understood exactly how my energies changed. Often this lesson was learned only when the transit was ending, when the light switched on and they could see how others were taking advantage of them. CLEMATIS(Bach): Mechthild Scheffer recommends Clematis for people who are wanderers between the worlds. Sent 3-5 times a week. I like hearing how a person develops techniques that work. I received a letter from the man that I had met in Slovenia. With so many people exiting my life, I feel lost and alienated. Applied Astrology: Chiron Transits and How They Might Affect You Rudhyar calls Neptune a planet of deconditioning. Then, in November 1989, as the Berlin Wall came down, my house caught on fire. Your partner clouds your vision. Because Neptune can drain ones energy level, feeling a fatigue and lethargy, I take and strongly recommend Mountain Pride and Tanzy (FES). Oh my! The modus is subtle, disarming and theatrical. You may actually dream up your ideal partner and experience unconditional love. Study Group member, a man who has been in the A.R.E. But, I can connect with the world. We are not alone! Glad to find this! For example, you may believe that youre impressing someone, when thats not entirely true. Found this article to be quite informative! If I do not do this consciously, the body will eventually take over for me and put the weight back on simply for its own survival. In other words, the only way through the transit was one step at a time, refusing to veer off the chosen path and ignoring any siren songs along the way. Disconnectedness can be frightening, even when you understand what is going on. When Pluto entered Sagittarius, I discovered a significant technique for defining boundaries directness in relating, putting your cards on the table, being honest about how you really feel and what you really want or expect. Within 3 days, my energy level soared and it gave a boost to my immune system. Going from intense connectedness to disconnectedness caused me to experience something I initially thought was a serious depression, although I had lots of energy. Things are working out, but there have been times since the first of the year that I wanted to just throw in the towel., At the same time, I was seeing that, on one hand, I was getting clients and partnerships who had major issues dealing with reality/illusion, and giving me the opportunity to evaluate for myself what is real/unreal. It is becoming so common that support groups are available when people feel disconnected, group involvement helps. A woman with Neptune contra-parallel her 6th House Saturn believed that her supervisor was going to promote her as promised. There she found an entire spectrum of humanity and interests ranging from the conservatives who are anti-communist, the AFL-CIO representatives seeking to protect American jobs, the human rights activists, the Taiwanese and liberal congressional spokespersons. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. I was isolated by my agoraphobic mother who was also afraid of life and afraid of being left alone so she bonded me to her with food. We do not agree with those who say good health is the natural way of life and that all variations on that reflect a lack in the body and spirit of a being. It is natally in square to that point from the 9th so the transit was difficult for me. Technical support Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! I appreciate it. Transit Jupiter in Astrology - The Dark Pixie Astrology As my weight diminished so did the physical barrier that kept people away. Neptune opposite Ascendant natal suggests your partners and your individual identity dissolve into each other to a certain extent. This is one of Larrys special talents he is always accessible, an anti-star as he likes to refer to himself, and he knows how to make everyone feel important. Orion and the Positive Immunity Program both encourage us to approach the Immune System as an element within that we can work with. As you learn, remember the idea of the sea, of multiplicity. Are you a heartless corporate drone? I knew the story that he told me was a lie but I gave him a check (he wanted cash). In my chart, my Progressed Jupiter trined my Moon for a 4-year period. This was also a deception/betrayal situation that always comes under hard aspects1to Neptune. Connected not only with your environment within and without the physical form, connected not only with your emotions and the sensitivity of your personality and self but this dear friend, the Immune System, is also connected to further than the physical self. With Neptune associated with Venus or the 7th house, youd tend to meet a person and dream them up into some kind of God. Your best choices are TRADER JOES POUND PLUS 72% all other TJ dark chocolates are high in cadmium. For the blood pressure, it relaxes the blood vessels. Neptune crossed the Ascendant of Christina Aguilera when she started a relationship with a movie assistent and left her husband. It really helped me get through those days.. A willingness to flow around the partner like water around rocks. Transit Neptune Conjunct Natal Ascendant - AstroMatrix You may meet people who try to dissuade you from your goals, even if they have good intentions. I was on my own (or thats how it felt, anyway) with no lamp for the dark road. Perhaps Neptune manifests as someone with similar hopes and dreams or a very spiritual person. Lived for 2,5 years with a man with Mars in Libra and Venus Pisces in square to Neptune on the Desc. However, with Aquarius, relating is shifting towards the Transpersonal, with something bigger than the relationship involved in the connection, not needy or obsessive, more therapized with needs being spread out among the members of the community.. Pisces is on my 7th house cusp so this whole thread applies to my personality. What does Neptune( 4th house Pisces) transit 150 degrees to Neptune (Libra 11th house) I had added another paragraph at the ned, similar to the natal aspect. You barely notice challenges and obstacles that normally would keep people apart. I personally experience Neptune by feeling ungrounded, a bit lost and I know that I am going through great changes but I have no idea HOW I am changing. You may become interested in helping those who need it and increasing your compassionate and spiritual sense. The Ascendant is a more shallow part of ourselves. Some of the information that comes to you may be information that you need to accept, that will not be changed, yet this still is information which in a complex way supports the All of you even though in the moment it does not seems one you want to have. Ted, with Sun in his 5th house opposite Neptune in the 11th house, told me that his spiritual practice was to take cocaine and speed and go out dancing all night in clubs, where he claimed to have ecstatic experiences. The stressful aspects (square and opposition . What Jane is sharing in her personal observations is the positive influences of the Aquarian energies as they assisted all of us in dissolving rigid boundaries yet creating new, flexible boundaries that support each individual. Transit Jupiter to Natal Neptune With transit Jupiter conjunct your natal Neptune, you're more generous, empathic, and helpful. Astrologer Pat Geisler advises: Make NO choices based on new ethics, but only on the standards you had used all your life., Follow the routines you had created for yourself, accept the responsibilities that are yours without whining about it and just keep on plugging. The blood test for the thyroid is a waste of time. My dad passed with Neptune square my 10th House Uranus (there were many other more powerful aspects at this time). You have Neptune in Libra, the sign that rules the 7th house which exacerbates your situation. Ahh I didnt even know about that section of Karma chameleon. I had always tried to make decisions on the basis of what was the right thing to do and suddenly I doubted what the right thing was. This can be a very good placement for both artists and scientists, since it makes visualization of the final product easier. You have a strong need to make your mark in the world, but may be confused about your motives. This is the power of astrologythe power to transform how we view our circumstances and our suffering. When is this my energy? When am I working as an Empath? If I am working as an Empath, it is energy if this feeling is not of mine, what am I to do with it. You can ask. The Saturn influence does not deny joy at all. Trouble firmly standing your ground. Picture the Immune System as a sea. Chiron Transits to Neptune may have you feeling overwhelmed by energetic and emotional input. This lowers your defenses and makes you more susceptible to being taken advantage of. Neptune affects our hormones. Just dont take any wooden nickels. Although, remember that you dont have to be the savior. Acceptance is simply an honoring of the complexity of life; honoring the idea that there is a spiritual arena that perhaps you do not fully understand, see or comprehend. Obviously, Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and expansion, can bring someone into your life. Another client is being sued by a former employer because she quit and is starting her own business (she is a licensed practitioner and was only contract for the former employer and there wasnt a non-compete in place, and she is not taking information from the former employer). Do the best you can, keep plugging and youll get through. Neptune Transits The Crises of Disconnectedness - Lynn Koiner (inconjunction Mars from 12 house/sextile Pluto in 5th) I feel powerless when in interaction with others because of the Neptune projection (7th house) and always seeing the good in people. When I had to leave for Slovenia, I felt lonely and I did not like it. 1 Other applicable addictions that I have observed are Alcoholic, Workaholic, Shopaholic, Obsessions with Neatness and many Phobias based upon a need to be in control. The fog made it impossible! That trip began my decades for traveling to Europe every November, the time when I would normally get sick or have a crisis. Any relationships that remain should be those that help you free yourself and enrich your inner spirit. Oil. This offering of our trust to the universe brings peace to our hearts, and is one of Neptunes greatest gifts. window.tgpQueue.add('tgpli-6403686b3d131'). This interpretation of Chiron in aspect to Neptune embraces a loose brainstorm-style of writing to explore astrological themes. This is a time when extreme idealism and a tendency towards spirituality or mysticism can be incorporated into your daily life. When you live in an unstructured, totally Empathic state, you overwhelm the body and eventually short-circuit. Haha, h*ly sh*t did I write that? Marrying the invisible man. Mercury in the 12th can easily tune out of a conversation that is not stimulating. Eclipse Aspects to Natal Planets: The Narrative of Change Martin Luther King Jr. gave the famous "I Have a Dream" speech in August 1963, sharing his vision of racial equality with burning passion. She was a nurse and a wonderful artist but the more involved her relationships were, the worse the outcome for herself. When Neptune and Ascendant first meet, both will instantly know that they have this deep connection. Astrological contemplation and patience are my tools of choice currently. It became an argument between them, but Orion emphasized the need to keep the language of the tapes open enough to allow people to mesh their individual approaches into the scripts of the tapes. When he left, I felt so alone, so lonely, that I never wanted to feel this way again. You may actually dream up your ideal partner and experience unconditional love. We may feel that we do not know what is happening to us. You love to watch TV with your partner. Rather, it is that your image of perfection, your image of the naturalness of being is too limited, too rigid, too specific. Otherwise, your close relationships could become a source of confusion and disappointment. Stand up for yourself if someone doesnt respect your personal boundaries. I bought clematis extract straight away. Yet, during this period, I lent money to an A.R.E. ATTENTION: It has been observed by that many dark chocolates are high in the heavy metal, Cadmium. In The Astrology of Transformation (1980), Rudhyar wrote: In transpersonal living, an individual should not be concerned with success and especially with what from the socio-cultural point of view would be called a constructive achievement. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. Its mark of someone who falls in love and pines for a heinous criminal on death row. Neptune has been floating around my descendant for years. This interpretation of Neptune in aspect to the Descendant embraces a loose brainstorm-style of writing to explore astrological themes. If you are losing hair and eye brows, if you body temperature is very low, consider Armour Thyroid. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. : ). Often, when the transit ends, so does the undefined health issue. The lessons of Neptune are to put us in touch with our creative skills, to learn to define boundaries for self and others (learning to say NO) and, with disappointment or betrayal, we embark upon a journey to discover our real Self. . Neptune Transits - Astrology Club I missed my friend, Jindra, after she left early in the morning. It is like the onion, layer upon layer. You may find that you were trying to hold on to something that was not worth it. if I feel something coming on. Most health issues are vague and undefined. Reality does not hold much attraction for them and, whenever possible, they will withdraw from the painful present. Each of you must be very conscious now of focusing on when you need to be open, when it is time to be closed. There were large periods of time in which I was not alone and, for the first time, I did not want to be alone anymore. This made me feel more disconnected because I regained some of the weight that I lost during the trip. I am more approachable and available to others. If a relationship does not work out, ask yourself why you were interested in the first place. During the same week, I looked back through some old writings of my own, finding two unpublished pieces. This ability to recognize and change energy is often what isNOTunderstood by the Empaths in this reality. I agree with you but I would take this a lot further. Wanting too badly to see past peoples flaws. You have Neptune in Libra, the sign that rules the 7th house which exacerbates your situation. So many times, a long-term friendship ends. I have an Introduction to this on this website. chiron conjunct the descendant: The Descendant is one of my most favorite things to talk about when it comes to Astrology, mostly because there is just so much to unpack. The main source, as I see from Neptune, is bacterial overgrowth. My house looked like my house, my yard looked like my yardbut then again they did not. I have lost friends but in a very different way through retiring and moving away! Instead we feel porous, liquid, fluid, yielding. Pluto more destroys and tears things apart psychologically. Its great for mineralization because charcoals pores hold onto nutrients. Low normal is not normal! This interpretation of Neptune in aspect to the Midheaven embraces a loose brainstorm-style of writing to explore astrological themes. T Neptune conjunct Moon opposing Saturn is personal and it can indicate several things: 1) the health of a female family member can be affected, 2) Keep your property safe from invasion (people and insects), 3) with Saturn, there can be a job change. This may not seem remarkable until you consider it was the street I lived on. There is a danger that you will be more impressionable, and this could lead to deceit from others if you are not careful. Ive been living by a body of water for 10 years. I just had to be Lynn and that was all. My family left inheritances so that I do not have to work. If you attract dishonest people, look within yourself to find the reason for this. If I picture this can we bring it into being? Many of you have gone through your own periods of excess. If a close friend asked me, What do you want this person to know?, then that is what you tell the person. With regard to retirement, I have observed that, when a client is at retirement age, strong Neptune transits can trigger their retirement. You can order this online It is a non-toxic form of colloidal silver this kills bad bacteria asap. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. Neptune Opposite Ascendant Natal and Transit - Astrology King

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neptune conjunct descendant transit